serbian macbeth

Published on 28 December 2022 at 23:40

Serbia continues to play war games with its smaller neighbours by using enclaves of ethnic Serbs in the neighbouring countries to destabilise them in a perpetual mission to prove their victimhood that no one believes in. I am not quite sure why they insist on this stubborn policy of crying wolf but I think it is a case of consecutive governments not being able to have an honest conversation with their voters. Instead, they keep telling them sci-fi versions of events that stretch human imagination. 

Serbia is like a mini Russia (without pants) of the Balkans, Totally deluded about what it was, what it is and what it wants to be. Sadly. Having lost all the wars in the 90s, the impoverished Serbian people who have suffered just as everyone else, if not more, have been kept in a state of national psychosis since 1990, being served a daily ultra nationalist narrative, convincing them they are victims of an international conspiracy to create the new world order whilst keeping them in denial of the genocide in Srebrenica, concentration camps in Omarska, massacre in Kijevo, destruction of Vukovar, numerous massacres and torching of Kosovo in 1999…

Central Serbia looks like a dystopian deserted place - Kraljevo, Valjevo, Kruševac are literally peeling as no one has money or desire to paint the houses. It’s a sad picture… I will never hate Serbs. I feel as close to them as I do to Croats, Bosnians, Montenegrins…. Seeing elderly women in fur coats searching the rubbish bins was shocking and it brought me to tears. Literally. As typical bully governments behave, instead of paying better pensions, they play war games with smaller and weaker neighbours to deflect their own population from the shit they’re in. Their successive governments I loathe; they’re not even worth of hate. They’ve created a semi Mafia country run by peasant and turbo folk mentality. I genuinely want Serbs to wake up and heal themselves from this 30+ years of serious psychosis.

They can have Leposavić. We don’t need it. It always had a Serb majority. There is nothing there. A godforsaken place of Babushkas and drunk heroes on Šljivovica. We don’t need this shit for ever.



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