truth has no balance; it just is. it has no sides for your to choose, regardless of what politicians or self declared patriotic saviours of the nation tell you. they are lying to you and they know it. check the facts. the truth will liberate you but it will often cause immense pain. you can handle it!
politics as (un)necessary evil No 1
‘The first principle of good foreign policy is good government at home’ - Gladstone
We can be quite certain that the Brexit Mafia running Britain since 2016 have broken this golden rule. It is a fact that global politics is sliding into new rivalries accompanied by new ugliness, but speed in which UK politics has slid into a dark phase is astonishing. If this is happening in Britain, which is well known for its pragmatic, gentle political views and attitudes, it is not surprising the whole world seems to be going mad. New rules, new players, new approaches were probably long overdue as the dominance of the western economies started to give way to China but I wish it was going in the right direction…. Unfortunately, we seem to be going backwards to 19th century politics of empires and petty nationalisms working both in tandem and in opposition to each other depending on the region.
Despite being generally optimistic about things, it seems like politics, economy and climate are taking humanity into a very uncertain future.
THE TEN commandments according to the Trollop of Deptford, without parting the sea or performing any miracles:
(Thus spoke the Trollop at Deptford on AD 01 May 2023. As he has no claims of divinity or holiness, the commandments are open for review and adjustments and reflections on a better future for our fraught humanity
brexit tapestry - the battle of failings
english burning of the reichstag?
Tory bonfire of EU law announced with such tasteless fanfare that makes you despair and wonder where this country is heading to
do we now live in an era of constant disaster?
democracy, nationalism, fascism or patriotism?
Simple Things we can do to reinvigorate politics and citizen engagement:
- proportional representation
- rename Prime Minister’s Questions to Prime Minister’s Answers. This stupid schoolboy show that goes on needs to stop. No moving on if the question is not answered. It should be fairly simple.
- stop private funding of political parties
- make lying an offence leading to automatic disqualification: no discussion, public enquiries, etc… if a lie is proved, they automatically go.
- enshrine equality and inclusion in all aspects of public and private bodies.
- use technology to engage population in bigger decisions.
- disqualify a party from the next election if less than 80% of manifesto hasn’t been delivered
- abolish politicians blaming parts of community and/or playing them against each-other. Ban politicians to speak ‘we’ in the sense of representing a particular ethnicity.. There is no ‘we’ and ‘they’. No one has a right to highjack millions of people for their own political advantage.
-be part of strong international organisations that go beyond national borders and seek to safeguard universally shared values.-make it illegal for papers to print lies, imposing crippling fines for those who spread misinformation. Freedom of speech is not free of consequences - the most difficult one is to control flow of information on the internet as it it has become the black hole of human conscience. Some control will have to be introduced before everyone is at everyone’s throat!
I Democracy, pluralism and freedom are in great danger and are being attacked from within and without.. The rise of an aggressive right wing in a post truth era, coupled with widespread poverty and exclusion is a perfect breeding ground for all kinds of nastiness, that mainly look to resolve problems by oversimplification and scapegoating of minority groups. Western freedoms have never been at such great danger mostly because its economic supremacy has come to an end. It is clear that keeping the west super rich and the rest of the world in various degrees of poverty is not sustainable and neither it should be.
We need to eat humble pie and accept that we will become ‘poorer’ in the classical sense of the word. The old model of profit capitalism is not working in a super connected world. We need to change and be smarter.. Money needs to be rethought and repurposed, ideally replaced with something fairer.
We must, however, defend our freedoms and pluralism at all cost. We need to stop discrediting our politics by allowing rotten politicians to represent us.
in the post truth era, hate has become an integral part of politics. the reason people cling on to it with passion is that if hate is gone, they’d have to deal with pain.
‘glad’ to know i’m not the only angry guy. how can you not be? ?
There is no doubt for anyone who can think that Israel is a genocidal, nationalist, extremist organisation that brainswashes its own population. It beats, maims, kills and, now, tries to exterminate the Palestinians, whose land they stole in 1948! It has been doing this without punity because it has unconditional support of the USA (and their puppies in Europe, especially the puppy-in-chief UK), which is now clearly starting to look like the Evil Empire as it tries to justify crimes that have horrified the entire world, including ordinary people in the USA, UK and Europe! The so called west has completely lost all credibility, if we ever had any! The world watches in total horror the destruction of Gaza but the 'free world' supports the slaughter! This is a completely perverse situation that cannot last for much longer! The world is galvanizing against western support for murder and double standards it so conveniently pulls out of the sleeve, without a hint of shame!!
Our democracies are in great danger if we don't bring decency and truth into a tired, corrupt system that has turned oligharchies, run by old rusty parties that are only interested in getting into power!
our so called democracies are a perversion of reality! CIA is probably the most subversive criminal organisation in human history! (followed immediately by Israel).
We've been lied to since childhood; brainwashed so that we grew up believing in the fantasy of our 'superior' society and our so called values... We grew up both stupid and arrogant - the worst combination! As this rotten but elaborate system of lies and delusions crumbles in front of our eyes, being stripped of all its layers and masks, what do we do? Change it before it's too late or go down with it? UK is most likely the first western country to collapse ... then they'll all go down as dominoes when the illusion of superiority fades away and is replaced by harsh reality that we are bankrupt. We only have debts owed in fake money printed from thin air to keep us going. It is pretty bad but no one really talks about it.
Our only hope is that Conservatism in its various degrees of nastiness is shredding itself apart as it struggles to find a role in the future while being stuck and obsessed with the past. Its reliance on division, prejudice, blame, nationalism, privilege, selfishness, wild capitalism, to name but a few, will hopefully fail to inspire future generations. I did say this is our HOPE… despite the current trends suggesting we may be going backwards but the optimist in me says this is a temporary glitch as the world adjusts itself during the rapid decline of the west and its domination of the world since the 16th century due to to its rapid industrial and scientific progress, never seen before in history. Sadly, during this period, much older civilisations declined and fell in the shadow of western dominance which has created a very unequal world. In simple words, our wealth and privilege was built on other people's misery, especially those in Africa. Colonialism and slavery are the biggest stain in human history but no school in the west will teach this, The mission of civilising the world is the usual mantra, even if we are talking about much older civilisations, such as China, Iran, Syria, etc.. . It is a perverse logic but you get accused of being woke for pointing this out. Bringing down statues of slave owners enrages large parts of the populace more than the killing of 14,000 children in Gaza. I hate the word evil but I have been often thinking lately that we are evil. Our privilege has turned us into monsters, although, to be fair, most people aren't aware of this. Most people try to be as decent as they can but the whole thing is set up to prevent us from asking difficult questions. Going shopping is what we do. Capitalism loves shopping for things we don't need even if it is done with fake money printed out of thin air.
21st century will belong to Asia but I truly hope they won’t behave like the west did although it has good reason to seek revenge on us for undermining, exploiting and in some cases, actively destroying their very old cultures and traditions for five centuries in the name of ‘progress’, which was just a cover for making a profit at all cost.
It is possible to agree with a decent (ex) Conservative. I can only wish I was as eloquent as he is.
Is a disease of the brain and cancer of the soul. It makes you proud of things you haven't achieved and hate people you've never met. It's a rotten, nasty ideology that corrupt politicians use to promote themselves through lies, feelings and fears of ordinary people, who are brainwashed by a relentless narrative of 'defending us from them'... the 'us' and 'them' story may change overnight, leaving the populace confused and pushed further into the rabbit hole of delusions and fears.
If only people had time to think for themselves, they could easily see that patriotism is very illogical and an I'll-defined concept. It always fails as an idea because populist nationalists over promise and over simplify everything. The world is much more complex than making it a simple story of 'us' and 'them'. Nationalism turns noble feelings into dangerous weapons through a choreographed system of playing emotional cards instead of asking people to think logically and critically.
In fact, nationalists aka patriots are often the worst enemy of their 'own' ethnic group by lying to it and by pitting it against anyone and everyone who isn't stirred in the groin when certain songs are sung or a certain piece of cloth is waved.
Fuck it.
Best cure and protection against the disease: facts, figures, education and open mindedness
Invents an imaginary entity - the people - by falsely claiming it is serving them, when, in fact, the so called people lose individual rights to accommodate a power structure that seeks to control them. It’s really bizarre but it often works, especially if one group of ‘people’ is declared as the protected group against all kinds of ‘enemies’, which usually tend to be minorities. It’s dangerously returning as a driving force in Europe and USA due to fear and uncertainty that is real for so many people, especially the (former) working classes.
the prophets of darkness: ronald reagan and margaret thatcher
american murder room above
If you were god, would you bless america?
I don't think you would!
The so called leader of the free world is a strange concept to grasp! Despite obvious flaws and brutality of a society that worships God and Guns in equal measure, but Money above all, most Americans believe their country is the best that has every existed! The rest of the world mostly laughs at them but still follows its trends, films, music, and its narrative of 'the dream' to various degrees as if it is something to aspire to, or, at least, HAVE as much stuff as Americans have.
Personally, I would never and under any conditions live in a country that has death penalty as I think this would make me a murder too!
The reason why so Americans still support an institution that is most inhumane and barbaric are numerous and historic but it is mainly due to endemic ignorance and inability to ask difficult questions! America needs gun control, not capital punishment if they so desperately want to be seen as 'civilised', whatever that means!
our profoundly corrupt politicians who now work for big corporations instead of us, have turned us into global villains, increasingly seen as war mongers, racists, supremacists, colonisers, etc... all these acusations have very good foundations but the world must see that our despicable politicians and governments do not represent us! these selfish liers have created an entire web of false narratives to keep us in the dark and keep believing we hare somehow the first world with our precious high values!! it takes you 10 minutes checking what igoes on in the world and you will realise how laughable this is. they have discredited our democracy, our soul and our heart! we still have a chance to salvage something of our great traditions but we have to profoundly change; we have to tell the world the mafia that runs the west does not speak in our name! we must have to kick them out. we need to search our souls and face some very hard truths. we must learn how to be humble. we must prepare to be poor because we don't deserve to be rich. we have nothing but false beliefs that keeps us going! ... we need to understand that beliefs can evaporate very quickly and then we will realise we have nothing, not even our souls!
let's show some real humilty and work with our fellow humans before it is too late!
never trust a politician who says he speaks for ‘the people’ and especially if they say ‘our’ people. trust me on this one…
‘the people’ politics
It is the oldest fascist con that seems to still work unfortunately. No one can ever speak FOR the people… it is both logically and mathematically impossible. Some of the nastiest politicians in history have repeatedly said they represent ‘the people’… well, they don’t, they represent themselves and those close to them.
There is no such thing as ‘the will of the people’; this stupid slogan is both preposterous and insulting to human intelligence.
seeries 5 - the downfall
england remains under the spell of margaret thatcher, both consciously and subconsciously, which is not as strange as it sounds considering that she lobotomised the nation with her handbag and fake vowels.
When you listen to her now, you cannot believe she managed to govern for so long! She was neither particularly intelligent or visionary - she was deluded enough to think she was doing the right thing, I am sure. I don't believe she was an evil person... she was allowed to do evil things because no one stopped her. Her delusions infected everyone.
Nationalism is a cancer that reaches metastasis in fascism. Almost always and without a fail. Fascist first impress the fools then they muzzle the intelligent! That's how it works, sadly.
It fools and sets neighbours, friends and families against each other, It is a truly evil ideology. A word I very rarely use.
english psychodrama, series 5
So we have arrived to series 5 of the English national psychodrama that started in 2008 but with much earlier roots going back to 1956.
Rishi Sunak has been installed as the last desperate attempt to save the Tories and Brexit but the shit show will carry on as usual. He will try to use the same old failed ideas, which will fail spectacularly. The Tories are rotten and bereft of any ideas and Labour aren't much better in ideas but not rotten though often very deluded about their moral superiority. It’s the entire system in the UK that is rotten and inadequate. It’s a fake democracy supported by a fake economy. Sadly. If it doesn’t change, it will disappear as fewer and fewer people continue to believe in the carefully constructed narrative painting a rosy picture of the most glorious nation that ever existed (despite food banks, inequality, terrible housing, over priced transport, low pay, etc`)
In reality, it looks and feels like a glorified third word country, in large parts. Poverty and hopelessness lingers everywhere, especially outside London.
English speaking countries, with the exception of Scotland, Ireland and New Zealand, seem to have gone into a strange existential spasm recently. Societies that elect a Donald Trump and a Boris Johnson must be deeply disturbed. These two obscene characters are an indication of people's fears, delusions and general decline. Nothing they say is true but enough people adore them. It is both fascinating and infuriating. Very scary too.
Are we more affected by the so called post truth era, than Germany or Sweden, for example? People now can choose to believe in what they like! Anything that doesn't feel right must be fake! It's mind boggling how easy giving up one's own thinking for some fantasist conspiracist appears to be?
I think the reasons for this deterioration and decline in America and UK, especially, are very complex and multi-layered but losing the grip on world domination as the 'winners' of WW2 and the Cold War due to catastrophic policies of fundamentalist free market policies, which are now biting on the fabric of military and economic superiority must play a role. The dogma of cowboy capitalism that Thatcher and Reagan so ruthlessly implemented has come full circle and it's eating its own tail. Decline in USA is traumatic, while the UK is a mishmash of very poor regions, dreadful surbuban fake bliss, and lavishly rich pockets that are available to the selected few members of the international corporate mafia. Money laundering through no-questions-asked approach for foreign oligarchs and shady characters has created a dangerous financial bubble that could burst anytime... meanwhile, the priced out workers are being offered flags to wave and patriotic discussions about happy fish in the English Channel. It is like a very badly written crime drama
Brexit will break this country for a good few decades then it will come to its senses. England usually does. Not sure about Americans. They are properly fucked in every orifice.
The problem is that the right wing circles in the west have a strange obsession with winning, especially in UK and USA. Because of this, they still behave like it's Cold War. It's so weird to find yourself agreeing with Russia and China when they talki about western paranoias and neuroses.
AMGLOSPHERE undoubtedly seems to be decaying morally, economically, polically, culturally rapidly, but, as they say, the fish rots from the head and its head is the USA! You only need to watch five programmes to see how rotten it all is, and people have no idea! These programmes are:
Trump is only the symptom of a decaying society. No need to talk about him.
always rises in declining societies because they tell the best lies, they promise easy solutions to their grievances, usually by blaming one or more minorities, for all ills of society, despite lacking any evidence to back up their hateful rhetoric. fascism never works in the long term because they can never deliver the fascist utopia but, sadly, it can work in the short term, usually by dismantling all buiding blocks of a decent, fair society in which everyone can flourish. it always ends in tears. have we learnt from it? it doesn't look like it as this stand at the moment.
starmer is a gutless, spineless embarrasment that will continue to oversea the rapid decline of the UK! he has nothing to offer except repeat his stupid mantra about supportng israel. he is as uninspiring and soulless. he is an undertaker with a clipped voice like someone is holding him by the bollocks!
the swinefall has happened but the soap opera continues.....
Finally it happened to us! And we just can’t describe it…. There is overwhelming euphoria about finally eliminating this depraved buffoon from our lives but our tragedy is not over. The Tory candidates are competing with each other like vultures around the badly injured state… eying up which bits to devour.
No one dares mention Brexit and the disaster it’s caused. It’s the elephant in the room no one dares to mention. We are still fucked and will continue to be fucked until someone has balls to unfuck us. It may be too late yalready. We have neither waves no ships and we are rapidly running out of fantasies. The Tories are the cancer.. They need removal by radical surgery.
the swine has fallen. kind of. nothing is what it seems.
jeff hall explaining america
America is truly fucked. JEFF HALL knows this. Most Americans don't. UK follows America like a poodle. not sure what that makes us - double fucked?. I think it's worse than that, in fact. no one tells a fucked up story better than a fucked over american! an american who knows he is fucked over. badly.
As expected, Brexit has delivered nothing but headaches, frustration and ridicule. The country feels like a circus, where nothing means anything. This government is a disgrace to the long history of over 1000 of the English state. Blond boy is totally ineffective, oblivious, confused, and, it seems genuinely bewildered that not everybody loves him. His ego simply does not allow for any self awareness or insight into how he comes across... he has no idea of diplomacy, courtesy or decorum - all he has is the ability to use language very pompously, which he sees as wit. His lack of insight should also be very concerning as it sometimes teeter towards psychopathic behaviour. He is the the Sun King and that's that.... well, well, up to perhaps December. Cracks are appearing throughout the Tory party, which is more like a sinister club of privileged tossers. They are jittering and getting very nervous about their hapless king. The scandals and the sleaze keep pouring in more regularly than rain. They are realising the6 need to get rid of him sooner than later but they have no one who knows how to talk to the plebs. Talk is probably mot the right word - perform for the plebs.
I predict they will topple him by July/August if not sooner. Knives are being sharpened in the open now. They will drag the cheese master, Liz Truss to the throne of lies for a bit then she will fuck up too because no one can deliver the Brexit fantasy. Labour are sitting on the fence about it and waiting for the whole thing to crash down. Brexit was, is and will be the most stupid act of self harm in history. The so called people are realising it was all lie... they now want to renegotiate the deal they signed as it is unworkable. EU sits and waits for the island to come to its senses. The people keep moaning. The tabloids keep poisoning them. this is very painful to watch and witness but such was the wish of a once great nation.. if great really means anything.
Inflation is rising, wages are stagnant businesses can't find staff. All the ingredients for a catastrophy are there. We are waiting for the big crash
15 Dec 2022
citizenship is not just about voting and jury service; it’s about causing a raucous when we need to cause a raucous.
st barbara in shock
keeping it daft
brexit benefits hurtling through the universe
#putain #putin #swine #clown #confused #wargames #boystoys
four wankers and a world. it should be easy for eight billion people to get rid of four but it isn’t.
russia on a fast race to outcunt amarica and her puppies
USA is the rotten axis around which we are forced to spin
russian neurosis is both understandable and idiotic
with these two old farties as the self appointed top boys, the world is truly screwed!
as dead empires go, UK is great at keeping it alive in the minds of the populace and endless costume dramas.
nationalism means war!
sadly, we don’t seem to learn
is easily winning this charade, which is the end of the beginning of world domination by white people.
I have no illusion they will be any better but this is the new reality, with all uncertainties it
‘Fear of loneliness is increasingly determining people’s ideology’ (I am [not] a monster)
Traditional blue collar jobs have pretty much disappeared in the west and people are (rightly) angry an£ scared but no one wants to talk about the real reasons. Instead, right wing politicians and conspiracy theorists are having a ball at directing these genuine fears towards Imaginary enemies: immigrants, liberals, intelligentsia, lgbtq people etc…
Divisions are deepening, leaving a chasm that can easily filled with fascism! Somehow, I remain hopeful that reason and progress will prevail regardless of how hard as the nut brigade try to scare the scared.
Capitalism is Dead - Welcome Back to Feudalism!
The Mayfair Set - watch and weep!
An excellent four part documentary by the excellent Adam Curtis describing how greed and corruption of the market wheeler-dealers took over running the world, turning politicians into pawns which they can buy and manipulate so that they can have short term booms and make billions of pounds, which the living standard for everyone else drops or disappears competely. What Margaret Thatcher, through her incompetence and stupidity unleashed in the name of 'freedom and prosperity' is now destroying the fabric of western economies, especially in the UK and USA, where industry gave way to speculation on the stock markets. She and Raegan are two of the most destructive leaders in modern history, there is no doubt about it. May they both rot in hell.
Russia is back. The old one. Combining Czarist and Communist versions… it was humiliated and betrayed consistently by the so called west but mainly by the USA and its puppet UK, who were too arrogant to declare themselves the victors of the Cold War. Foolishly and with arrogance of a teenager who has the best trainers in class. Both Russia and China were treated as losers… (as a Kosovan, I should be grateful they saved us from Milosevic. I used to believe that intervention was honourable but I have my serious doubts now).
Well, they are both back and attacking from different corners. USA is retreat. UK is a joke. EU is trying to raise its head but I am not sure how successful she will be. Brexit both wounded it and galvanised it.
As I write this, the #RussianPsycho #Putin is raging in an all out war in Ukraine. I can barely hold my tears. Hoping to write a longer chapter on the old proud bear. Russia is not Putin. We must never forget that.
As England is not Johnson, Faridge, Patel, Rees-Mogg.
China is the oldest continuous civilisation in the world but which was humiliated by the west. As with Russia, the west is too arrogant to even try to understand…. However, while Russia is behaving like a sclerotic old man, China has played a very clever game by quietly becoming an economic super power on which the entire world depend on. Regardless of the games that the USA have been playing, China is basically beating them in their own game - capitalism. The domination of the world by white people has come to an end much quicker than anyone could have predicted. The western governments need to adopt a friendlier attitude despite our endless talk about our so called values because not even children believe we are doing what we’re doing to defend freedom. We need to stop lying to ourselves and the world if we want to keep enough belief in a society we may need to defend. Morally, the western governments, especially USA and UK have nothing to stand on but the people do. Most westerners are firm believers in rights and freedoms that have nothing to do with our rotten governments.
suggested reading watch this and weep
Politics of Hysteria (the)- Edmund Stillman and William Pfaff
No Logo - Naomi Klein
Shock Doctrine (the) - Naomi Klein
Who Rules the World? - Noam Chomsky
Deaths of Despair and the Future of Capitalism - Anne Case & Angus Deaton
The New Silk Roads - Peter Frankopan
How to Be Right - James O'Brien
Philosophy in the Twentieth Century - A.J. Ayer
The English - Jeremy Paxman
The Future of British Politics - Frankie Boyle
Das Kapital - Karl Marx (why not 😂)
Beyond Good & Evil - F Nietzsche
Private Eye... just any copy you find. You must also laugh at our ridiculous condition and the fantasies we believe as true
Programmes to watch:
Hypernormalisation by Adam Curtis (all Curtis' films; in fact)
Michael Moore's films
NOT TO WATCH: period costume dramas creating an idea of England that never was
the right wing paradox
A lot of people rightly wonder how right wing politicians manage to recruit so many people to their cause despite the lies they tell, language they use, what they say they believe in, etc. It even gets more weird when you see people who you’d expect to loathe them supporting them. Mind boggling … or is it?
Their entire ‘success’ lies on three very basic principles:
- oversimplification
- fear and division
- feelings v facts
More to come when it’s not this hot 🥵😂 (30 C)
the swinefall - July 2022
The day the clown—swine-urchin-walrus fell should be declared a national holiday. I was almost correct when I predicted in December that he wouldn’t last past August. I was a month off. The fall was quite spectacular as we all saw it unravel. No one butchers their own kind better than Tories. Their shameless shapeshifting just stay in power knows no limits.
As the post needs to be filled, we are now witnessing a total tragic comedy 24/7 as the party of lies shapeshifts,, stabs, kicks, cajoles…. It’s comical, bizarre and tragic. I fear their shameful downfall will inevitably come at some point but I am worried that it will also be the downfall of England. They are tearing her apart. There is no kindness or understanding, just war… and i feel it in the air. The country I came to 28 years ago seems totally alien. More alien now than it did then. It fills me with sadness. While. Feel deep sorrow for a slow destruction of a country I consider my own the #ToryCircus continues:
the soap continues - total trussedy
Everyone knew she’d be a calamity but no one could have predicted a total collapse of her premiership within six weeks of moving in at No10! She sounds and behaves like she is completely out of her depth, even vulnerable as person, not just as a politician. She is literally being hung, drawn and quartered by all sides in a ruthless frenzy to sacrifice to the blood thirsty Tory gods, who are unhappy with pretty much everything that’s going on. I am not sure if this public shredding a deliberate attempt to blame Liz Truss for all disasters they have caused vim their 12 years in government in hope that people are stupid enough to believe it or they are truly deluded enough not to know that the collapse of Tories’ credibility is a result of their disastrous policy and ideological direction they took since Brexit. They find themselves now in a check mate position, having had four leaders since Brexit and falling into wipe out territory in the polls.
Yet no one talks about Brexit! The big elephant that has trampled over everything and everyone. This is their weakest point over which they will never agree. The elephant is starting to peep out though. Am convinced this is the beginning of the end of the great lie and ERG’s party hold of the Tory Party. I truly hope they will disappear into the black hole of history together with their empire and Brexit.
Oli Dugmore is a brilliant journalist, who talks to people who can explain the ludicrous situation this county is in far better than I ever will.
nation states are a collection of carefully picked events and stories that create a narrative that is artificially glorious, prosperous, free, etc….. these narratives are crucial for their continuation because states, nationalities, and ethnicities are not a natural phenomenon but a product of human imagination! when people stop believing in that narrative, it becomes a joke, inevitably resulting in disintegration of that state in a slow and a painful process.
england’s narrative is a particularly choreographed story of freedom and chivalry, that create particular national psyche that convinces them to be the most unique nation in the world. Unfortunately, she is at a point when her narrative is starting to crack in its all seams.
consumerism is both ideology and religion
Initially cocked up in the west as the answer to all ills, it has now spread like a plague all over the world, which requires a major reset of the world that cannot continue to be dominated by the so called west. The pressure to be ‘happy’ all the time and feel a failure if you’re not, has created a neurotic society of radical individualism, which is becoming unsustainable.
iran will be free! we stand with iranian women, who will not bow down to weird mullahs!
money out of nothing + debt + speculation = boom&bust, i.e. fake economy
DEPT > SPECULATION > MORE DEBT > MORE SPECULATION in ‘FUNNY MONEY’ that is not based on real commodities but on thin air. We’re in deep shit.
We’ve seen steady erosion of democracy, accountability and trust in a world where banks are calling all the shots. The governments cannot allow them to fail as 90% of the money would disappear! The whole system is a huge machinery of speculation and fake money, which most people don’t know about. This is a dangerous bomb ticking but some very rich people are being created while the fantasy lasts. The current system cannot continue to be as it is but no one is willing to talk about… and the bubble continues to grow. Moreover, this system looks like an international monetary Mafia that was created solely to keep the west in a position of domination. The question is - how long for? The rest of the world will not support a system of ‘funny money’ out of thin air which they need to pay with interest.
It is clear that people in the so called west are rapidly becoming poorer… the whole system is unsustainable on all fronts and is being kept alive to benefit big banks and their shareholders and will sooner or later implode. We just don’t know when!
Capitalism has failed. We are just too scared or simply dont know how how talk about its imminent collapse because they've brainwashed us to think it's the only way!
USA has created a world economic system based in their entrenched belief in the ‘sanctity of the markets’ that only pursue a rabid chase for profit in a dog eat dog works. The world for one reason or another, has accepted this soulless American creed that has created a global elite of the super rich while the rest of us must scramble for crumbs. Politics has always been about money making the Capitalism of M Thatcher and R Reagan the biggest crime against humanity and nature. Structural Reform is a euphemism for shameless plunder and speculation. Japan has sadly been a victim of this stupid game promulgated in their country by the cowboys of doom.
international corporate mafia in full swing (not hard to guess why uk doesn't want to leave the shady organisation)
bernie madoff is just one example of western fallacy that continues to believe in and support itself by creating a fantasy world of wealth and wellbeing through speculation at best and fraud at worst
the bottom of the barrel as explained by the great ian hislop
Watch and weep as LW explains very eloquently the disastrous effect of FOX news, which creates a soldier out of viewers by relentless melodrama that preset them with existential threats, keeping them on edge and ready to ‘defend’ but not having a clue what they’re defending.
where is the BREXIT cake, the populace keeps asking... no one knows. it may need a different cake but it has no oven to bake it in or cutlery to eat it with! everything has rusted away, alas!
the new era of the newest new labour under gaius keironious starmus junius brutus starts! We will get rid of the cancer after 14 years to replace it with gout1 How exciting!
Corbyn’s ex Boy, turned Patriot, Keironius Brutus, takes over as the new PM; he's been busy correcting the language on the documents he co-wrote with the most dangerous man in Britain who wanted to pass ownership of public infrastructure from tax avoiding shareholders to the common ownership that would benefit everyone, thus turning us into a Communist country! Luckily, the people's hero has wiped out every memory of Jeremy Corbyn plus he has signed up to blind support for the genocide committed by Israel because this is what good boys do!
Britain is in a very precarious situation! Everything seems to be broken... it is a sad picture! The Tories should beear the shame for destroying the country, firtst under Thatcher then again in the last 14 year! Some of them should face criminal charges... I have no illusions that Labour will be able to do anything to improve. They neither have the money, the ideas or the guts to grab the bull by the horns! They are more worried about upseting right wing tabloids than telling the truth, be it about the economy, Brexit, war crimes in Gaza, immigration melodrama, etc... they are doomed and so is the rest of us with them!
... and the rest of the so called west doing? not that rosy either. Angela Merkel was the last decent polititician. We are now left with schoolboys, convicted criminals, liars, fascists, con artists, cowards, war mongers, genocide supporters, etc... the so called west is in very deep shit! ...
They all work on very simple principles:
- profit (for a small minority)
- taxation (for the majority)
- fear (usually of foreign states or persons who must be crushed)
- civilising mission or superiority of the empirical nation over others…
- tawdry patriotism, which is both distasteful and illusory but it unfortunately works. Right wingers know how to use people’s noble feelings to stay in power. They have neither shame no truth.
Empires are rotten creations that can only survive by perpetuating inequality and conflict. I am not sure if humanity will ever be able to get rid of them by building a fairer world.
Angela Merkel is probably the last decent politician in tg3 so called west. Her total lack of ego and dedication to serve all, regardless of how they vote, was a unique phenomenon in our declining faith in politicians who are becoming more and more shameless in pursuit of their own ego trips. She was an antidote to the Great Swine Couple Trump-Johnson. She was a woman who didn’t try to be a man but could handle alpha males she was surrounded with like children, just as they deserve.
Sadly, politics in the entire Anglo-sphere are infested with ego maniacs, liars and opportunists, which is rapidly destroying our faith in democracy, fairness and justice.
Germany was lucky to have such a person lead her during a very complicated period of history.
heart of darkness....
Israel is the shame of humanity!
since ww2, usa has tried to overthrow 66 foreign governments - they were successfull in 26!!
is america the darkest cruelest soulless place on earth or simply just deluded and very scared?
#notinmyname #stopthegenocide #arrestnetanyahu
USA has become the rotting empire of lies! Israel and UK are its main tentacles of deception but other countries in the so called free world aren't that far behind! It wasn't always like this! Please educate yourself! The truth is ugly but we can handle it. We need to stay calm and show some humility and contrition for the misery brought on the world by our morally corrupt politicians and blood sucking big corporations that run our lives! Let's hope the next empire won't do to us what we did to them!
changing orders - it is clear that the american (and their puppet nations') empire is over! Let's please not be bad losers. Capitalism is dead! It's not a bad thing. Chin up!
We are in the cusp of a change of the current order! It is clear that the so called west is rapidly declining... As it declines, it gets louder, more agressive, more inconsistent, more ridiculous... and we sit and watch the shit show - what else can we do?
Let's just hope USA will not start WW3! Let's just do it niceluy and with dignity! The rest of the world is catching up and is likely to surpass us in every area! We owe them a lot. Our wealth was built on their misery. Perhaps it's payback time. That's only fair my fellow 'first' worlders.
ALL EMPIRES FALL! i think we can guess who is going to be the next one....
As empires decline and fall, they increasingly engage in military adventures and veer towards populism or fascism! USA is the living example of this,
Interestingly, the fall of the British empire didn't see any rise of extreme right movement but, unfortunately, it has emerged in the last two decades in a more visible way, resulting in xenophobic hysteria and Brexit, both of which are having a devastating effect on this country.
A bit long, perhaps, but Richard Wolff is a joy to listen to; he explains the state of USA with such calmness, even though he speaks some very hard truths that most people in the USA are shielded from. There is no hate or vengeance in his discourse despite his deep understanding of the causes of players very dangerous games imposed by all American governments since WW2. We need to rise above it and find just and lasting solutions in a complicated world.
fascism IS coming back like a bad dream both both in the rapidly declining USA and Eruppe!
GOP degeneration into a fascist, white supremacist, hysterical movement is evident. How far it will go? Trump is probably finished but will they find another one to keep the frenzy going? How many more enemies they will invent? Can they survive without conflict and division? Will they simply disappear completely in a world that is rejecting America and her version of reality? Fascism always pops up in declining societies - America is no exception although they are still in total denial about it. The truth is too painful; hate is much easier! Fascists are very good at offering easy solutions to everything, usually by picking one or more minorities, who are blamed for everything and who need to either be expelled, dispossessed or completely marginalised so that the the 'pure' people of the same kin can reestablish order! if you think logically, you will soon realise they are talking total tosh but fascist don't rely on logic - it is all about feelings and drama! unfortunately if works in the short termn but never in the long term because they simply can't delier the fascist utopia they made sound so easy! even fascist eventually run out of people to hate and blame.
ramblings of a rabid man-child
Trump is the best illustration of America's rapid decline in to a confused, scared and paranoid state that has nothing left but threats to solve the deep trouble it is in on all aspects of a society that it has the God given right to dominate the world unchallenged!
A country that may choose a grotesque lunatic like Trump to be their next president is the best evidence of the deep trouble it is in!
All those who wish America to fast forward into abyss have one wish - let the rabid clown become president - he is their best bet to fuck it all up and very quickly. How can't his supporters see this?
We all know what the American imperialists did in chile but this doc talks about a subject i've not come accross before as the reason of one of the reasons why they were so afraid of Allende!?
Was Chile way way ahead of everyone, terrifying USA and her satelites who are so obsessed with being the 'first word'?
The sooner America collapses the better for humanity - there hasn't been such an evil empire in human history! Thet even surpass the British Empire - how is this possible?
reading list
Capitalist Realism - Mark Fisher
Silent Coup - Matt Kennard
Autocracy Inc. - Anne Applebaum
Democracy at Work - Richard Wolff
Israel Today - Richard Wolff
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