dear gods, please save me from earnest types



this space is for contributors to silliness and chaos, may the gods save them from the boring soldiers of order and decency

Contributors to general silliness and frivolity are more than welome to send stuff. I strive to keep the spirit of Monty Pythonesque behaviour until my last breath. The serious, the worthy and riders of high horses can look away now. 

little fella

First ever attempt to tinker with 3D design softwere and not knowing much about AR, I ended up with this little fella. He's all over the place now .. and I've not told him yet I prefer to live alone. .. hmm. What shall I call him? 

People who can't entertainment themselves usually can't entertain anyone else either. 

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It is true that life always sucks a little bit but this isn’t such a bad thing… it teaches us how to cope and do things differently. Aiming for or pretending that everything is great is both stupid and dangerous.

We can become better people through bad experiences too.. and definitely by not taking things too bloody seriously. 

Hot unemployed Albanian pimp available at Shaka Laka for just four quid - a great price, considering the rate of inflation, which has sent pimp price and demand soaring to record levels 

Does your autocorrect change 'pot' to 'porn' as you send a WhatsApp message or is it just mine!?

what is an american?

I wish someone would explain to me what the ever present phrase (and I kive outside USA) 'I am an American' means? 

Is it different to 'I am Albanian, Londoner, Pejon, etc... what is the reason they put an indefinite article in front of the a-word .. 'I am American' is perfectly fine. There is no need for 'a'. 


one of the main principles of existentialism is to laugh at ourselves 

Being earnest, virtuous, principled, etc is all good but laughing at our daily attempts to overcome life’s daily absurdities is crucial to make it all bearable and worth it.