London is a place which prepares you for anything... or so we think. It is a university in its own right. Londoners are openminded, excitable and thirsty for new experiences. Cynical too but some more than others. I am on the excitable camp. I hope to fill this place with amazing new experiences.
New Year's Eve 2021
@bexdeptford unpatrioric Londoners under French Attack :)))
♬ Land of Hope and Glory - England World Cup Squad 82
oh, who doesn’t remember their first LSD!
I thought I saw Jesus. What did you see?
hélène binet
Photography, architecture, Turkish coffee and oligarchs' wives on Pccadolly... (and Omicron)
And a deep shaft to throw BoJo in.
hora e arbëreshërvet. (piana degli albanesi) - a very special pilgrimage in 2017
Easter 2017 will always be one of my most amazing experiences. It's been a dream to visit since I was nine years old....
Hora is a town near Palermo in Sicily of about 4000 inhabitants who cling on to their Albanian language and origin more tenaciously then the 'real' Albanians do. They were given this land by the Pope in the 15th century as a refuge from the invading Turks... they were allowed to maintain the Eastern Orthodox Rite in their churches but they had to recognise the Pope as the head of Church. Apart from this little 'heresy' of the Latins, they kept everything else. They speak this beautiful version of late mediaeval Albanian, which takes some time to get used to but once you figure out the pattern of changes in pronunciation and grammar, you can converse pretty much normally... I don't think there are many linguistic bubbles like this, where you can meet your ancestors from six centuries ago.
The people in Piana were totally wonderful. I have never been accepted with such warmth in my life... every Albanian should go to Piana at least once. I will definitely revisit and stay a bit longer this time (Easter and St George, the patron saint are v close in some years. It would be great to see both celebrations)
Pattern above designed by multiplying and manipulating a single photo of the rooftops in Piana degli Albanesi. I think it looks Gothic and Islamic at the same time, which was unintentional, but very fitting for Sicily, which so proudly embraces all its influences from Ancient Greeks to Liberty Department Store in London.
slavko kopač exhibition, zagreb, feb 2022
Really interesting work of a Croatian artist who lived in Florence and Paris. He was part of the movement which believed there is an artist in everyone..
pride 22
edingurgh, may 22
valencia, aug 22
copenhagen & malmö, aug 22 kosovo, sep 22
What an amazing production. Take a Greek myth, add The Graduate but crank it up five times, then some Secrets and Lies yet make it beautifully, if not painfully, English… perhaps a bit long with too many subplots but totally forgivable… you will laugh so much, you will gasp, you will cry…
one night in balham
One of the best films ever made…. A story of hopelessness and hope, of friendship, hate, human interdependency and rejection. The humour is of the darkest kind but all for very good reason. It numbs you but it also uplifts you in a very peculiar way. Is this the Pulp Fiction of the 2020s? Probably not but it wouldn’t want to be - it’s a class of its own.