The beautiful city of Kyiv could fall any time.. I am on the verge of tears. No one dares to challenge Russia. The so called west has a full on completion of big declarations of indignation and verbal support for Ukraine in full knowledge it will not offer them the support they need. It is for the local populace whose votes they need. We need to be seen to be right. Freedom lovers and such bollocks. Quite shamelessly, in fact. Never mind Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, etc… it’s so crazy. How can people fall for this nonsense?
Heartbreaking pictures of Ukrainian defiance, left to fight a mighty empire. I want to cry but I think my tears have dried out after so many wars I’ve seen happening around the world (albeit from the safety of my sofa)
I have no idea where will this madness stop. I think Russia will eventually retreat after ‘neutralising’ Ukraine of its pride, elected gov, etc. They will probably keep eastern regions where people are ‘Russian’. The balance of power will have shifted towards Russia and China for ever.
The pompous speech of US ambassador at SC is laughable. Don’t they remember Bush blabbering on about the need to invade Iraq??
UK finally seems to be a bit more willing to cut Russia off from SWIFT but EU showing reservations. Hmm. Selling Ukraine for gas. Si,mple.
#ukraine #russianinvasion #warineurope #saveukraine
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