blissful unemployment

Published on 20 December 2021 at 11:39

Fully conscious I shouldn't be flippant about work, which for so many people is not possible, I am loving this new routine of waking up at 11 o'clock. I just think that nature didn't intend us to be woken up by a screeching device at the crack of dawn, have a shower muttering and wishing we were still in bed, get onto a crowded train, smell other people's armpits, get to a multi-storey building with lots of flickering devices with grumpy people tapping them nervously, turn on the device wishing we hadn't, smell armpits again, go home turn on another flickering device, go to sleep, repeat. 

Capitalism is the virus. It is a system that convinces shareholders' serfs they are free because they have Amazon and Netflix. Fuck that. We can do better. 

Viva la revolución!

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