Why they so poisonous, obstructive, evasive, divisive, alarmist, ….
This preposterous woman, Miriam Cates, the MP for Penistone & Stockbridge had no reservations to repeat again and again totally misleading statements about teaching sexual asphyxiation in schools, shamelessly and without flinching… she knows it’s an emotive issue that will stir the traditional Tory voters’ sense of outrage, without which they don’t seem to be able to exist.. A life without an object of hate and fear is a life not worth living it seems.. it’s so infuriating yet they get away with it. You cannot shame the shameless.
Life in this country has become a daily run on disasters and calamities plus things or people we need to hate or be angry about! It is very very depressing to be in UK and I can’t see how it will become any better because Starmer doesn’t have the guts or ideas to get us out of the 13 years’ cycle of hell.
I CANNOT remember when I heard good news. Gloom. Doom, more of the same. C’est la vie en 2023.
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