swine fee

Published on 3 March 2023 at 10:58

Would you want to live in a society where a committed liar, who made a career by telling blatant lies and stirring the groins, gets paid £215,000 to give a speech packed with lies? 

I strongly feel that this is is a clear indication of how morally corrupt and perverted we’ve become. Money, privilege, inequality, scandals, melodramas…. are are all we seem to care about. Truth feels like a quaint concept our parents used to teach us about when we were kids… 


It is totally understandable why s many people across the world are incensed with a state of the world that is geared to keep these rotten tomatoes rule the world with minimal work and effort. The west, is truly becoming a rotten pie… how do we save outrage freedoms and decency against psychopaths like Putin if we don’t have any moral grounds to stand on?? I don’t know!! 

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