leaving the cave

Published on 3 August 2022 at 19:05

As a race, we humans will need to move out of the cave and fundamentally change our ways before it’s too late! We need to do this together as a planet and our national governments must stop telling us stupid lies that our ‘nations’ can somehow resolve our problems in isolation, spreading false ideas that make us feel like we are better than other, usually poorer, nations, so that we keep them in power and maintain the status quo that was established after WW2 with the west dominating the world… 

Well, we can all see for ourselves that this situation is not sustainable anymore and neither it should be, I honestly think it is time for us in the west to show some humility and try to work with our fellow humans as equals, not as ex colonisers, rich, spoilt brats. 

  • I think the only way to achieve global cooperation and equality is to agree on a global scale a minimum basic income for everyone.,. It is on,y numbers in a computer anyway… This p, of course, is a topic for a book or PhD as it will need to consider a total upturn of human history, social order, economic models, warfare etc… I can’t do that in a blog… books and PhDs may be written but the question at this moment is: are we ready to change so drastically.? Although our immediate thought would be that we haven’t, we probably have changed much more than we think… 

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