winners and losers

Published on 3 August 2022 at 11:02

James O’Brien is losing his mind on the radio about the degeneration of the public discourse in the UK, where the truth does not matter anymore…. He says it must be Brexit and I agree… 

Brexit was bad us a lie. A rotten idea that was sold to people who had no idea what it really was about and who was behind it. In Brexit Britain telling lies has become totally acceptable, if not expected… the desperation to believe in a bankrupt project is far greater. 

Ever since they ‘won’ the referendum, the whole thing has become about winners and losers. Winning by any means is the norm and if truth comes in its way, then it will be sacrificed. Sadly, people won’t realise that no one is a winner if the victory is based on lies, prejudice and division until it’s too late. 

It is very likely that the insipid, soulless, truthless, Truss will continue with dishonour and shame to keep the flames of Fantasyritannia alive. She won’t succeed but it will prolong the pain for a year or so. She is a total failure already. 

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