
Published on 2 August 2022 at 21:21

Nancy Pelosi is playing silly and desperate games intended for people at home rather than helping Taiwan, which makes the whole charade look ridiculous. America is facing uncomfortable truths both at home and abroad as it loses its grip on world domination, which she was convinced would last longer than Roman Empire. It’s arrogant triumphalism after the fall of Communism will prove to be its undoing… the claim that ‘we won’ looks comical now as China has totally taken over the production of pretty much everything, making us dependent on it’s cheap goods… ironically, this is what America wanted. - leave it to the market to resolve everything, it had no idea it would lose it’s own game. 

So, instead of putting on silly school plays, #USA needs to show some humility instead of risking another hell-hole with #China! Go home #NancyPelosi and gave a nice glass of sherry. Stop playing silly games. 

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