byzantine games

Published on 15 February 2022 at 21:29

The whole charade around #Ukraine is painful to watch. #UK and to an extend #USA are rattling the drums of war, spewing all kinds of believable and unbelievable nonsense. The real reasons are unknown but the fact that both countries' prospects aren't great as we come out of Covidorama May have something to do with it. War works. Or talk of war as neither country would dare get into games with Russia.. Ukraine is the true victim and a potential sacrifice to big boys' games of dead empires. The troops have been on the border fir years but we didn't seem to care. Why now!?

In all their hysterical counting of the tanks, putting time scales on the invasion, desperately seeking frightened Ukrainians but failing to find them, the clown's attempt to save his lying skin by attempting to play a statesman, as well as other neurotic reports are looking like a very badly choreographed show. They are doing exactly what the megalomaniac Russian psycho wants them to do - look ridiculous. I don't think Russia is invading anyone... not yet, anyway. They sit and laugh at Johnson's stupid attempts to make himself busy. What a fucking mess we're in. 

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