Louis Theroux's new series is finally showing on BBC. A must-see!
If nothing else, Theroux deserves a medal for being able to and keeping his cool when talking to truly vile people. The problem with America is that their so called dream has come to an end, making a lot of white men very angry and scared. Their god given right to be on top of the pile is no longer guaranteed as production has moved to China, leaving a lot of people jobless and hopeless. As it always is the case in economic crises, opportunistic gobby people will use the minorities for all ills in society, resorting to largely fabricated and highly emotional rhetoric, in full knowledge that their equally scared followers will follow without questioning. This kind of charade is allowed to go on in the name of free speech. Truth doesn't come into i5...
Some of the stuff these nasty creatures were saying without blushing was shocking. Their stupid ideology is completely false and does not bears no truth but the6 have now adopted a 'joke' approach and are quick to blame anyone who disagrees with them as not having a sense of humour. There is nothing funny about racism and they know it but unfortunately there are a lot of young people who will fall for it.
Meanwhile here, in the confused island, the chief twat talks about war in Ukraine and issues non warnings to Russia. It is total performance. He does not care about Ukraine in the slightest. He knows the west won't ibntervene and that it will easily sacrifice Ukraine for peace and gas from Russia.. the photo ops he does are a stupid performance, which unfortunately still works fi4 some of his admirers.. it is unbelievable what he gets away with. Mot for much longer, I think. His days are numbered but we will have the Nasties for two/three years more to complete the wrecking of the country.
Britain is now a truly toxic place with Tory poison seeping from every crevice. I can't wait to leave.
Estate agents talking shit as usual. They are a cog in the parasitic 'economy' solely based on shifting money around so that everyone gets a slice of the printed stuff.
UK and US are drumming up the war rhetoric. It works. The populace feels threatened and stops examining the shit happening at home. The clown swine now advises the sheep that Russia may invade Ukraine within 48 hours. This is a very weird thing to say. Sinister too... he almost says it with glee. He is a cunt and we are cunt enablers.
#ukraine #stopthewar #deascalate #ukkeepoff
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