What a day! So much has changed irrevocably shifted today! The big nationalist-populist fantasy that was Brexit came crashing on it face as the chief ideologue of national fantasist views had to sack her chancellor to save her own skin! No one knows why she wants to stay on even though she clearly has no authority and is being kept there by the Tories to save them another leadership contest, turning the whole thing into a tragic charade! She was humiliated even by journalists from papers that support her. It’s painful to watch and she isn’t the on,ly one responsible for the complete mess that the country is in. She is no more than the last unlucky (and stupid) caretaker of a very sick beast that will need to be put to sleep. However, her ludicrous belief in some mysterious mechanisms that will make everything work out is really baffling. I think she is intellectually limited and may even be deluded. For this, I somehow feel sorry for her. She is being sacrificed on the altar of Brexit like a lamb to appease the believers, who have been wanting to see the beast for quite some time… On the other hand, I think she is also very vicious and narcissistic side.. it’s very difficult to know who she is. She behaves like someone who shouts ‘let me through, I am a doctor’ I’m a disaster scene but who, in fact, has only taken a GCSC in biology.
Having lost all their credibility, the Tories now look totally unelectable. It was astonishing to hear how many Tory Party members called in to say they would vote Labour! There seems to be a total implosion internally and externally. The most important issue for me in all this is that their false claim that they manage the economy more efficiently is falling like house of cards. Their economic management has always been a gamble. They were lucky they didn’t fall on their face before like they have this time.
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