It is difficult to go through an entire news programme these days! There is so much doom and gloom and a feeling of impending catastrophes. There is a serious deficit of cheer! In other words, England has become un-English!!!
The country that led the world in economic and social progress, the country that is known for its innate sense of cool pragmatism and reserve, the country which chooses humour over dogma, small talk over arguing, gardens over politics, etc. has become a weird place, where nothing seems to be what its meant to be anymore. Everyone seems to be shouting at everyone. No silver linings, no compassion, no understanding required… just blame, blame blame. On top of this, we are constantly bombarded with very gloomy news and predictions. It feels like there is no end to this downward spiralling that we seem to be hurtling into. The News are so bad that I think they have now created a mentality of danger and collapse, turning people into worried little squirrels!
UK definitely isn’t alone in the global madness affecting all parts of the world yet everything seems to be turned up a notch here in the last decade and especially since #Brexit, which thrust a sword right through the middle of the country on the morning of 16 June 2016. Nothing has been the same again.
Ironically, the Tories, who have become an English nationalist party have made England far less English than it used to be!
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