A brilliant & quirky documentary by Slavoj Žižek about the very deceitful and sophisticated system of beliefs and messages (primarily) in the so called west, white consumerism and enjoyment are the omnipresent gods that need to be adored, worshipped and financed relentlessly so that we have a sense of personal achievement. Slavoj isn’t everyone’s cup of tea partly due to his presentation, which is quite eccentric, if not slightly mad, and partly because he tells some very uncomfortable truths about the lies and deceptions that we are forced to accept as sanctity in a ‘Free’ society, which is anything but free if you scratch the surface!
He is particularly hard to swallow in the English speaking countries, which have a special relationship with cut-throat capitalism, where he is usually portrayed as a dangerous Marxist. Well, he may a Marxist but I find it very difficult to disagree with anything he says,.. What is good about being a mere commodity to exist purely for the enrichment of the very few?
Žižek uses some of the most iconic films to illustrate his theory about the nature of ideology,, touching its core beliefs, delusions and deceptions.
Someone finally confirm what I’ve been thinking for a long time - we need to change what we want if we want to live in a better society. I don’t think we are close to this as we haven’t quite left the cave yet.
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