Nation states are a collection of carefully picked events and stories that create a narrative that is artificially glorious, prosperous, free, etc….. these narratives are crucial for their continuation because states, nationalities, and ethnicities are not a natural phenomenon but a product of human imagination! when people stop believing in that narrative, it becomes a joke, inevitably resulting in disintegration of that state in a slow and a painful process.
England’s narrative is a particularly choreographed of story of freedom and chivalry, that its membership think makes them unique. Unfortunately, she is at a point when her narrative is starting to crack in it’s all seams…. Unfortunately, it all started to look silly when it allowed the likes of Faridge, Darren Grimes, Jacob Rees-Mogg, John Redwood, etc., to direct her narrative. Johnson was just a narcissistic clown whom they chose to sell their heavily edited false story… he had no role in its fakery because he simply doesn’t give a toss about anyone else except himself and his ‘role in history’… it brings me no joy to write these things but I think there is a profound lack of awareness among my chosen compatriots about what really is going on.
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