monsieur macaron

Published on 25 April 2022 at 18:47

France said no to white supremacist Fascism. Just about. Still, 43% of the vote went to a committed fascist hiding behind tedious demagoguery about saving France and such bullshit. Their version of taking back control… So, Mr Macaron has now a second term and he’d better be careful with his promises. Unfortunately, the populace is not in the mood to hear the truth and prefers fantasy.. It’s the internet age - everyone chooses to believe what they like or what makes them feel good. Telling them hard times are coming because the dominance of the west is over is NOT what they want to hear; they much prefer to blame someone. Preferably of a different colour or religion. 

Thankfully, the French system is tighter and more representative. It does not allow someone with 43% of the vote to have an 80 seat majority. UK parliamentary system is not a true democracy; it is a club of schoolboys who see each other as winners and losers, regardless of the numbers. There is so much immaturity in British politics. Proportional representation is urgently needed. 

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