swine uninvited

Published on 25 March 2022 at 02:17

Just like all nationalist swine before him, the current PM keeps spewing disgusting rhetoric. Today, he surpassed them all - he said that the heroic fight by the Ukrainians is like Brexit. This is deeply shameful for the UK and very offensive for the Ukrainians. How can this bag of lies be allowed to be PM??? This tasteless, insulting, comment got him uninvited from the meeting at the European Council. We are the lepers of Europe. 

I am desperate to leave this country but I am imprisoned in my cladded prison. I can’t sell, for foreseeable future. I am having to remortgage. I feel like my soul is being stabbed very slowly… looking at pictures of beaches in Albania is the on,ly thing thing that calms me and gives me hope. The sooner I leave the better.  life in the UK is already unbearable… and it is just the start. I have seen one country go down and know exactly how it looks.. 

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