George Orwell in full display today.
The Clown-Swine is in Saudi Arabia begging for oil only days after they carried out a mass execution of people. Iran is paid its debt decades later and without interest (apparently). Trussage gives interviews saying how happy she is Nadine Zaghari is coming home, taking shameless credit for it… the language is softening. Muslims aren’t evil now. Russians are, Emphasis now is on how ‘we’ owed this money all along, to save their muddy face.
Asking difficult questions like why would a British government withhold millions of pounds that it owed! Why does the government of this country deprive another country of basic medication. Why are we allowed to have nuclear weapons but they aren’t. Why, why, why …. ? One thing is true - we are not better than Russians, who chose to believe their psycho president’s tales than to believe their country is committing unspeakable crimes., Admitting that your country is doing something wrong seems to be very difficult.. especially if you are a national of one of the so called great nations, i.e. big nasty (ex) empires.
The most idiotic thing in ask this is that the populace will buy it. It’s is easier to justify evil acts if it benefits us.
It makes me ask a very uncomfortable question: is UK becoming truly evil or has it always been a nasty machine of exploitation, swindling and murder?
Truly happy for Nadine. At least one good thing came out of all this.
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