The stuff that this government comes up with never ceases to provide fresh crap on a daily basis. Today's story is that the Clown-Swine saved us from Corbynism and delivered Brexit. They are so desperate they have to come up with desperate slogans to please the populace, which is awaits benefits from the newly gained sovereignty... they know they have to give them something to distract them from daily scandals, unprecedented corruption in British politics, rising inflation, rising taxes, rising interest rates, shortages, norther Ireland fiasco, etc. etc.
The populace watches and scratches head. Memories of red buses flash back. No one does anything. The Clown hopes they will forget about the chaos and lies. I don't think they will. We shall see...
We are not told what Corbynism is, how Brexit 'has been delivered' or where the bus is. We just need to be patriotic about it and not ask too many questions. Blocking woke friends highly recommended as they may infect patriotic resolve with reality
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