I am really concerned about the ramping up the war rhetoric in UK and US media pretending to be gushing about Ukraine. If it wasn't so serious, it would be laughable.. the two biggest warmongers and meddlers shedding crocodile tears about a country they don't give a shit about. This is all part of the panic in the angkosphere as it has lost its grip on world control. The real victims here, of course, Ukrainians, who may be the real victims of big boy games.
The problem is the arrogance on the west that has behaved as a 'Winner' of the Cold War without showing any respect for Russia, which now wants to show they are not to be messed around with. Putin is a little shit with a big who but I totally understand what he's doing. The west's refusal to understand Russian pride and psyche will cost it dearly. The west will never win against Russia. The sooner they done down the hollow war drums the better.
All Ukranians got was a few rusty tanks as some kind of moral support, made an object of ridicule in Russian media. I am really worried for Ukraine. UK will not come to help. Sorry.
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