tony blair

Published on 5 January 2022 at 15:45

There are very legitimate reasons for the current storm to sign a petition to rescind TB's Order of the Garter, which in itself is a silly and anachronistic 'honour' to have anyway... it's a mediaeval way of creating royal lackeys by awarding oppression and conquest. 

However, as a Kosovan, I will be always grateful for what he did to stop Milosevic in obliterating Albanians from Kosovo. His breakthrough peace agreement in Northern Ireland was an amazing achievement that no one thought was possible. He also made the Tories unelectable. His Ew Labour had its many flaws but it was best we could get in a country which is scared of socialism. He knew that... he was the last UK PM that had an international presence and stature; ever since, we've had pigslets, clowns, shop managers and swine. Just think about it. 

iraq was a catastrophe and a stain on him that will cast a shadow on everything he did. I opposed the war in Iraq vehemently but unfortunately we were dragged into it. I feel personally guilty for living in peace while 'we' taken this away from so many people in the Middle East. The war as a crime. 
Tony Blair has a lot to answer for but did he have much choicE, considering this this country HAS to play and dance to the Yank fiddle like a good puppy? 

The Middle East is the stain on humanity's conscience but mainly on UK, France and USA. Ever since UK and France carved it up in 1012, it has been a source of misery. It is a region that is profoundly misunderstood by the west, who have been trying to 'civilise' it for 100 years, having forgotten that the first human civilation was in Mesopotamia, in today's Iraq. The Middle East neve4 thought it was uncivilised. They simply never wanted burgers, mini skirts and PR. They are also not ready to replace religion with consumerism as we have. I admire this but also dread the alternative - religion. Having religion as a driving force is probably jus5 as bad as our soulless capitalism. The Middle East needs to drop the mullahs for idealistic students, fiery professors, unveiled clever women, old cynics, etc. to seek solutions and inspiration instead of debating various versions of a religion born in a desert 1400 years ago. They can do this. Inshalkah. 

Israel would be easy to corner and sent packing to America, which should be its rightful place. They love capitalism and America is big enough. Arizona could easily be renamed. 


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