british humour

Published on 3 January 2022 at 23:14

There is no doubt Brit humour is superb, unique, hilarious, witty, quick, etc. That is the thing I will miss most. No one can have a laugh like we do here. I just had hilarious little conversation with the cashier at the supermarket as if we'd known each other all our lives. I can't do that anywhere else... or so is seems. Well, I was very pleasantly surprised in Hungary.. Hungarians, it seemed, are always up for a laugh. They also have one of th3 highest suicide rate, which doesn't fit in their readiness for hilarity ... 

This insatiable thirst for fun in the UK, has a sinister side too.. it acts as a shelter from serious conversations. Being boring is the biggest sin in the UK  and being serious is boring. I am not serious at all but more of a silly old fool... but I can be very serious too. Without thinking I should newer see the person I was serious with because they may have peeped into my soul. Total paralysis of emotional outpours in this country is both funny and crippling. People are unlikely to talk about what's bothering them for years but then it boils over when you least expect it in a dum dum dum moment in QueenViclike melodrama that is often finished before it's started. Most people would settle for a cup of tea instead of a blazing argument.  

On the contrary, my school friends are so happy I am trying to find my artistic streak again because they remember I was quite into it when we were at school  

I am just as bad. 

i have not been able to talk to some of my closest friends about why they've been so weird about my silly creations in the last year or so. If feel like they have sworn a pact never to refer to it. It is super weird... I have idea why they've been like this but it has drawn a big wedge. One of them is returning the present I made but I am no5 sure if she knows to me it feels like someone rejecting your child. Cowardly, I am writing it here hoping they will read one day because Albanians are very similar in this respect..  putting up a brave face and carrying on as usual is the norm. I used to be shocked when I used to hear our Serbian neighbours having open disagreements. For Albanians, just like for the English, confrontation is to be avoided at all cost. 

This is why we have a clown as prime minister. People prefer a clown to a serious man who may act as a prime minister and even ask serious questions. Anyone who has watched PMQs on Wednesdays will see that a lot of it sheer performance for the populace but mostly for journos and analysts of all sorts to declare a 'winner', not so much on the topic but on wit, jibes and put-downs... it can be quite funny but Parliament shouldn't be considered a comedy theatre by default  ;)

It is wonderfully difficult to be British and Albanian (Kosovan) because both cultures value form rather than substance. Perhaps all cultures are like this when you get to know them... I can talk with some authority only about these two. For this reason i often find it easier to hang out with canwith former compatriots in ex Yugoslavia as they seem to be less cripplied by cultural protocol than my fellow Kossers. ;)))

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