Batumi (first impressions)

Published on 12 September 2023 at 19:04

The simplest way to describe my first impressions is that I am a bit gobsmacked and unprepared for this! It looks like a mix of Vegas and Disneyland! I am staying on the 37th floor of a bog standard high rise hotel, which is my personal record! I don't think I've ever slept higher than 12th floor and that was in my hometown Pejë! How mad is that?!

There are clearly a lot of Russians here although it seems the town is making a point by naming one of the main restaurants on the sea front 'Ukrainuśka, or something like that! 

One bag of basic food and beer came to 20 quid! I found wobble pie almost identical we make in Pejë!!! Weird! 

Georgian script is totally unique and so is the language. I literally don't understand a word but can say 'thank you'! It kinda feels western enough here but with so many spices we don't know.. We shall see! 

I had a great little lauch with two Irish guys in the lift from the Floor 1 (there is no Ground floor here) floor 26. It felt great being able to joke! I really need humour but it is the most difficult thing to get right in cultures you're not familiar with. 


PS (this is v strange but I miss Trabzon a bit! I had such a connention with that city) 

PPS the remote control has no batteries! Either last person nicked them or you have to buy your own! Weird or Mad? You tell me! 

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