burning bridges

Published on 22 July 2023 at 20:14

On my penultimate day in the UK, I am fearful I may have been burning quite a few bridges without intending to... 


My frustration with how things have been in the last few years has perhaps made me overly critical of the UK, and especially the English, views which I have often shared with my good friends here maybe a bit too aggressively! 

I just can't understand how people are not angrier about the crap that the Tories are piling on everyone every day! I just have to accept how it is - the English are generally not the angry types! it's not such a bad thing .. the bad thing is that fucking politicians know this and use it to their advantage. 

I truly hope they all know I am not saying anything from a position of hate. My comments are from the inside, not the outside. I have a very strong affiliation with this country that cannot be thrown away but my Balkan side gets the better of me! Outburst galore... it's in the make up. I love it and hate it in equal measures as this kind of temperament can cause so much pain in the arse. 

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