There is so much fury in the the world today! Folly too. For all kinds of reasons… myself included I’m furious why people aren’t furious and why they are .. it’s a stupid position to be in. There is so much reason to be furious but few people are furious about things they should be furious about….
I have practically totally had to re-educate myself in the last two years mainl by reading and listening to experts in politics, economics and history who talk about the very precarious position the world is in today; the more or less criminal dirty games that the so called West but mainly USA and UK have played across the world to maintain their domination of a rotten version of capitalism that is failing so many people and is bound to collapse, paving the way for a slow destruction of our civilisation, which has achieved great things for the entire humanity in promoting democracy and scientific advancement … nevertheless, the Neo-Liberals and their cut throat capitalism has caused immense pain across the world, parts of which consider us to be the source of evil, not entirely without any basis… I am furious that we may have ruined the future of our children in a world that may be on a mission to total destruction of the old masters of the world.. we need to change and show a lot of humility.. we don’t know how the new powers will behave as the tables turn. China, Russia, Latin America, Africa want revenge, which could get very ugly though I am fairly convinced humanity won’t stoop to new levels of hell. Hope is all we have as we decline much more rapidly than anyone could have predicted.
My fury often results in stupid outbursts of anger at close friends, whom I am so desperate to point to the ills of our society.. then, I think, perhaps, it is better they don’t know.. what good will this bring except worry and despair. There is no reason I should behave like a total w**ker!
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