Turn any radio and you’ll get a stream of people with endless grievances: food banks, living on a credit card, cutting down on food, coils coming off of desperate women’s uteruses, businesses closing down, house prices falling, rent generation, rogue landlords, inflation,…. It just goes on. It’s both infuriating and very very sad but not surprising, if you know this country full of paradoxes.
As everywhere, inequality is the main cancer of any society but this issue is quite striking on the UK. It is a fact of life. The nation just accepts it and pushes through, probably feeling lucky they live in one of the ‘best’ countries in the world.. it’s very strange. Not as bad as USA but pretty close and definitely getting closer to a brutal k8md of society where dog eats dog..
Then there is the problem of people’s expectations - they want so much from the system that is not a system but they don’t want to pay for it! You can’t blame them either; comparatively, the wages in UK are low and in some cases criminally low.. this is the crucial bit tja5 the Brexit vampires forgot to calculate: people DO EXPECT the state to step in and be a part of the solution of endless problems. England will not be Singapore any time soon, if ever…
I am pretty convinced the UK will rejoin the single market but EU should put some very strict conditions on accepting this very difficult island which still can’t figure out what it was, what it is and what it wants to be. Joining the Euro will probably be insisted upon. Mark these words.
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