Today we had a taste of Nuremberg Rallies in England!
Those who have read Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness will remember that it starts in London although the story is in the Congo. Not accidentally… as great a city as London is, it also has a very dark side that was in full show today. The current Home Secretary is monument of darkness. Not because of the colour of her skin, of course…. Nothing to do with that. The darkness is in her heart, if she has one. She stood there and shamelessly spoke of human beings as you’d speak about a virus! I am deeply ashamed to live in a country that allows a monster like this to take such high a position of state.
The Germans could easily say they didn’t know what was coming but we do know yet we do nothing. England will rather be ashamed than riotous. It is so depressing and hopeless. We are all guilty and will carry shame for generations to come. I am so glad I don’t have children because this will not end well. The arrogance of this country will be its downfall. Within decades… unless, of course, it wakes up from a 300 years old nap.
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