what do we want

Published on 19 January 2023 at 21:58

The main problem with UK is that it simply doesn’t know what kind of a country does it want to be. This confusion is much more pronounced in England than in Scotland and Wales, where a progressive path seems to be widely adopted as the direction of travel. 

England, on the other hand, is torn between different interests and ideas, literally tearing itself apart in trying to find her way in a world that seems to be leaving her behind! It may sound a  little dramatic but this is how I see it. 

Division. Inequality, privilege and hopelessness have been as much part of her as tea, cricket, sandwiches and FairPlay. These historic divisions have now had a new axe thrown that has shred through old divisions and created new ones - Brexit.

It is painful to see an entire county being lobotomised in such a brutal way, in total denial  of the outdated electrodes, which have been attached to her temples. No one is really sure how long this madness will last but I would expect the whole Brexit fantasy will be dismantled within two years… everyone can see we are neither exceptional nor significant in a topsy-turvy world  of new divisions and alignments. Global Britain is not very global, it seems. Our neighbours are the best bet we have.

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