chin up

Published on 19 January 2023 at 14:05

Rishi Sunak, the current chief StormTrooper announcing a bonfire of EU laws and regulations. Unchartered capitalism can commence. 

‘we have child poverty because poor people keep having children’ - says someone on the radio, in response to Simon Clarke’s (Canservative MP) statement that nurses who need to go to food banks should budget better! This kind of conversations takes place in UK in the 21st century, at a time when everything seems to be falling apart. Nurses, train drivers, border control, teachers, etc.. all announcing strikes! The news is so depressing that I am mostly listening to Radio 3 to block it all off. Head in sand. 

However, every time I bring up the topic in conversation with friends about the rapid decline of UK both domestically and internationally, I am met with a firm belief that it will be all ok. Britain is too important to fail… this kind of attitude is both endearing and infuriating - endearing because it is kinda sweet to see human spirit being resilient and positive, infuriating because of the reluctance to accept reality… The issue of our exceptionality is so ingrained that, I fear, has blindfolded an entire country as they hurtle downhill. It’s astonishing… how can this be??? Probably the mental empire that still lives and an overestimation of the financial sector in the City of London as a global hub of financial activity of all kinds. 

Although there are signs that people are starting to see our vulnerability as a small island in a globalised world, i think the blind belief in invincibility will carry on for a few more years…  i just hope the country will wake up before it is too late. 


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