The laundrymac keeps manufacturing desire brainwashed to be happy at all cost by buying more, throwing more, in an endlessrace to outdo each other with gadgets possessions, properties whist cocooned in disconnected bubbles in a sea of cutthroat capitalism….
My hope that Covid would force us to build a better society was unfounded, it see,ms. The system that puts a price on everything and forces people to be happy has failed miserably for large numbers of people but we simply don’t seem to be able to get out of this vicious cycle of strife, aspiration and delusion in a fragmented society that puts the individual above everyone and everything.
manufacturing desire
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Winston here from Iowa. I just wanted to see if you need an extra hand in the way of site upkeep/tweaking, adding emails to your newsletters from my targeted database (I have millions of them that you can use). I could even setup email campaigns for lead generation emailing at no extra cost to you to send out using my mail servers. Unique blog post material, extra traffic by getting others to start sharing your site across their own social media accounts, social media management, optimizing the site, create unique videos and images using Google AI, etc also help quite a bit. I can even post ads in every capital city in the country on CraigsList for any one of their 500 categories for some immediate traffic.
I have quite a few ways I can set all of this up and do this for you. I don't mean to impose, I was just curious. I've been doing this for 22+ years and was just wondering if you needed any extra help.
All the best,