I often think we’re still fighting the First World War, which created so many new problems that were never resolved: the Middle East, the Balkans, Soviet Revolution, emergence of ‘national’ states that seem to be on each other’s eye all the time, creating incredible national narratives which keep their own populations in a constant ‘patriotic’ fervour. WW2 was at continuation of WW1 and was meant to settle old scores but of course it didn’t…
What is also true is that both wars were between and about white peoples obsessions with domination in a world they were convinced they were civilising by suppressing local cultures, exploiting their resources and introducing rampant consumerism in the name of progress. Perhaps this was easy when most of the world production WAS in predominantly white countries… that is not the case anymore as we all know. The system that the west imposed on the world will eventually be its nemesis. Or so it seems….
While China is pursuing a very different way to achieve economic dominance by becoming the super factory of the world, the Russians stick to the 19th century methods., Putin’s war in Ukraine is a shameful episode in its history, despite some very genuine and justified grievances that the Russians have against the arrogant west who thought we’d won everything… it seems like the world is rapidly going backwards. There seems to be such an upheaval everywhere….. and all fingers point towards rampant capitalism, which we need to end before it ends us,

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