old pimps

Published on 7 January 2022 at 08:57

R4 are gushing away this morning about Russia's meddling in Afghanistan! As usual, they they have invited an expert from the master country, who explains everything in his American drawl... it's all terrible. Russia and China, virtueless, authoritarian, brutish, etc., are the villain enemies of freedom and commerce while 'we' valiantly defend those as beacons of truth and decency! 

If one didn't know history, one would send their children to this Sunday school run by old pimps and drug dealers. You may even shed a tear and wave metaphorical (or real) flag. The arch meddlers crying wolf. It is astonishing how they do this without a splinter of shame... this is because it is so easy to tell a fantastic narrative to a vastly uneducated populace which understands the world through Gogglebox and Game of Thrones. It's both hilarious and infuriating. The Angkosohere is stuck in 18th century and its desperate need to tell itself tales of superiority and valour.. give it another t3n years and it will have crashed its face against the mirror.. 


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