The country continues to be lobotomised daily with various intensity, depending on what you read/listen/watch. R4 in my case, which, although tries to avoid in the usual cheap sound bites that the right wing media love, isn’t totally aren’t immune of.
This morning, for example, they referred to the Foreign Secretary’s ‘handling of the war in Ukraine’!!! What war? This country is NOT at war and would not dare to. Egging Ukrainians on is not the same as being in it. In fact, I keep thinking this silly cheering may cause more suffering by encouraging them to fight a war they can’t win. No one ever wins against Russia.., The Foreign. Office know this very well but boy they do love a war in UK… The way they talk about it, you’d think Essex or Norfolk were under Putin’s boot.… same as other things that have been happening in the last 6-7 years, this tawdry patriotism is comical, tragic and infuriating.., A nation marches into fantasy and self delusion… because reality is too grim, perhaps?
daily lobotomy
« BoB; 3:9-11 dear dear dear (leader?) »
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