What is the next circle of #ToryHell?
Having been a signatory of The European Human Rights, that made this country respected and descent, a country that didn’t have to be scared of a court that protects human rights, #UnitedKingdom has now decided to come out of it, or more precisely, to ignore and reinterpret judgements it doesn’t like. The #ToryMafia claim we will still be part of it when we like it!
This is legally, logically and morally mind boggling! What is it that makes the English believe they can have all the cakes and eat them? Empire is still part it but this sense of exclusivity is so crazy and infuriating; what is even more confusing is that most people are completely unaware of this bizarre view of the world that is supposedly designed to suit the English. No questions asked. We won the war too, shut up and move along. This is the attitude, 70 odd years after the war England didn’t win - Russia and USA did. The death of the Empire at Suez Canal is also widely ignored. The tabloids keep the patriotic groins tickled with daily release of excrement. And we keep calm and carry on. It is very very fucked up.
I think #UK is slowly but surely becoming the #NorthKorea of #Europe! The #ToryMafia is determined to take it to the #AbyssOfHistory!!! It’s deeply depressing and worrying.
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