Whatever ‘we’ do Russia will always feel inferior to the ‘west’. Always has. From the day the Tzar’s emissaries went to Constantinople in the year 988! ‘They’ hate ‘us’ for wanting to be like us, feeling rejected and humiliated. Sadly for #Ukraine, Russia cannot see it succeed in feeling equal with ‘us’ it’s kind of a #Russian psychiatric condition. I am sorry Russia feels like this but it is not our fault.
If Russia was a person, it would need serious psychiatric support. Because if it’s sense of victimhood and rejection, it cannot see it appalling behaviour.
Seeing that it cannot get out of this feeling of self imposed inferiority, Putin now wants to be the leader and unifier of all the haters of the ‘western values’ but mainly progressive, liberal views and freedoms. There are quite a few of those around the world. This is why #RussiaMustNeverWin because the world they want to build is very scary.
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