
Published on 22 April 2022 at 20:50

While we are apparently at war, a typical conversation ok a train to Sevenoaks sounds like this: 

Aww, they do l8ve music rhere. Saxophone and everything.  Lovely cocktails 

Yeah? I bet that'd be good. 

My dad is a control freak. Always worried we'll be late. 

How about calamari ? 

We're alright,  in so many ways init? 

How about seabass? 

I was thinking of getting a haircut and a pair of new jeans on ebay. 

What size trainers are you? 

Lets get to the important stuff - what kind of chicken are you bringing? (On phone) 

I shared the space for 9 minutes with these fellow humans to London Bridge. The train to Sevenoaks takes about 35 minx, I'd guess..  I so want to find out how this conversation went . 

There is no judgement here., I may even be perversely envious. I wish I could be so happy about a piece of chicken. Life would be so easy. 

But then I don't. I'd rather listen to Deute Laoi than talk about calamari and chicken unrelated to what my interlocutors were saying. 

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