Pictures from Ukraine are depressing. Russia shamelessly presses on destroying them so that it shows the west it is not to me messed around with. Russia is still medieval in so many ways.., a county that never had freedom is easily led to catastrophe by the whims of semi deified leaders,
Russia Russians are being hounded and arrested for even the slightest protest or undermining the official propaganda, which must sound incredulous, even to the most.ardent Russian patriot.
Russians are being told this ‘special operation’ is to ‘denazify’ Ukraine despite the fact that Putin is behaving precisely like Hitler. How can Russians believe a word he says?… or are they simply too scared??
I think ‘the west will be dragged into this war sooner rather than later if I Putin carries on with this madness.
If only we had any better leaders. BlowJob is as disgusting as ever; also totally incompetent, untrustworthy, corrupt, shifty, etc..the noose was closing around his neck just before all this kicked off but now he will try play Churchill. He is a cunt. I hate him, I need to leave England.,, I can’t bear it here anymore.
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