I am sure the man is sick. Very sick. Not sure what the law in Russia is when a president loses his mind… he has now totally revealed himself as a combination of a Czar and a President of the Soviets… he wants to bring the two Russias together through his warped understanding of history and Russia’s role in it. The problem is that Russians are used to this kind of dishonour from their rulers. Russia was always ruled by megalomaniac, little men who felt inferior to the west… with terrible consequences for both Russians and those around them. Will Russia change?? Not in our life time.
I am the first to admit he has had reason to be pissed off but what he’s doing in Ukraine is pure and simple evil. What he has done to Russia may be irreparable. Ukraine will Never be Russia. #SlavaUkraini #PutinNazi #vladimirgrozni
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