paving the way to war

Published on 2 March 2022 at 21:44

Until this absurd and bloody attack on a peaceful neighbour, in fact his attacks on Georgia and Crimea, Putin had the moral high ground. Russia was betrayed and treated with great disrespect after the fall of USSR and a way to new wars was paved. 

The so called west but mainly USA and its puppet UK behaved like arrogant ‘winners’ of the Cold War and started shaping the world as it suited them. They treated both Russia and China with contempt, as they treated everyone else they already had in their sphere of interest. Every promise to the Russians was broken. Its assets sold, money laundered in London mainly, Russia humiliated and almost brought to its knees. Until 2007… then Putin made his feelings known in a speech.. Ever since, he has been tirelessly working on rebuilding Russia as a world power not to be messed with while China overlook production and wealth creation with unimaginable gusto and speed. 

We partied and behaved like arrogant teenagers who had the best trainers in class. That world is crashing fast and we should be worried., 

Putin is angry and potentially a psychopath. It could all end up very very bad. I hope it doesn’t.  

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