war in europe #russianaggression

Published on 25 February 2022 at 03:40

The Russian psychopath has attacked UKraine but I am not sure if it is an all out invasion as they keep saying.. Not that it makes it any better but we must try to always see and report things truthfully. 

Russia’s actions are deplorable but totally predictable. The west was too quick to declare a victory of the Cold War but reality is far from that bombastic, arrogant approach. Russia was humiliated and sold out and she now wants revenge. Not all Russia, of course. Their psychopathic leader that has ruled like a czar for over 20 years now… his stupid patriotic story needs to be pumped up with a proper war. 

However, the so called west has played a big role in all this:

- firstly, refusing to understand or even try to understand Russia,

- refusing to see her wounded pride, the selling off after the fall of communism on the advice of western capitalist vultures

- its interventions and meddling throughout the world turning ant form of indignation to obvious and blatant double standards 

- its obsession with dominating the world at all cost 

- its failed economic model that was pushed ruthlessly throughout the world 

- Brekshit, giving Putin reason to think europe is weak 

- its arrogance and posturing as the leader of moral values, which has pissed a lot of people off., 

- its flawed economic system being forced upon the world, creating unspeakable inequality and pain. 

- many more ills going back to 15th century, as we know. 


Seeing things through a thick western lens is likely to make things worse.. this is especially the case since it is getting older and needier. … humility would be a good start but no, humility we don’t do. Instead, we are subjected to daily bombardment of empty rhetoric and indignation that will achieve nothing except maintain our fake moral high ground for our own first world collective ego. I don’t want any part in it. 

The real victim in all this is Ukraine, which will be sacrificed, despite grand speeches in the ‘Civilised World’. 

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