gazpacho police

Published on 11 February 2022 at 12:20

Marjorie Taylor Greene, a lunatic congresswoman, who previously warned American patriots of the dangers of space lasers, issued a new warning to the the confused and scared white people who vote for her - Nancy Pelosi runs a sofisticated Gazpacho Police, which spies and listens to conversations between the said voters and their representatives. Cold soup is now an official enemy of American freedom. 

Initially, I thought this is only possible in America but then thought our Culture Secretary isn't too far out. 

We also had tepid soup yesterday that shook the British media of all colours - John Major issued a scathing condemnation of BlowJob as a man with no integrity bringing great shame to this country. ... so far so good; an ex PM white premiership was mired in scandals decides to speak out an obscene clown-swine based on actual shenanigans of a deeply flawed character. Great. 

The verdict: he is a Remainer and holds a gripe. This is as stupid as it is untrue. We find ourselves in a bizarre situation in which the poster clown of Brexit cannot be criticised. The idiocy that is Brexit and is proving to be a disaster is kept alive by propping the arch idiot. They know that if he falls, belief if Brexit will be screwed... so they cling on. 

I do wonder if we are becoming the Turkmenistan of Europe. Fuck. 

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