
Published on 28 January 2022 at 20:09

The panto show that is English governent (it is not British) carries on with more bizarre twists in the plot. The police head who is named after genitalia, is in the Swine's pocket and has ordered her minions to supers the publication if a report on rulebreaking at the heart of government with a lame excuse that it would 'prejudice' the outcome of their own investigation, which they have already said they won't do anything about - geddit? No, I didn't think so... the Mascarade continues. We are still the best country of the world where serfs and masters live in blissful harmony. The populace is compliant and knows it's place. Move on.. 

in a country with no written constitution, no proper representation and a legal system stuck in the 15th century, it is very easy to complicate things and institutions to such a degree tha5 the mere mortals will rather have cup of tea than try to understand what the hell is going on. It is a land where birth and privilege are enshrined in the collective psyche. Most people wilfully (albeit humourously) call themselves plebs. 

Ever since the Normans conquered England 944 years ago, legalising plunder through obscure laws and institutions became an art form. As did glorifying the plunder and slavery that the short lived empire adopted as its modus operandi. 

The world got some beautiful English literature in the process and penicillin from a guy working in St Mary's hospital during the process process. Everything else that came from here was a type of capitalism that puts profit and speculation above everything else.. hip hip. 







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