Goodbye 2021

Published on 31 December 2021 at 14:01


The Swine lied, the the people buried their heads in the sand, vampire ministers promoted sleaze as the new national sport of Global Britain. Cheese deals with Japan were signed, public enquiries were held, shelves were emptied, blue walls crumbled and English asparagus was left unpicked. It's beginning to look like panto in a central Asian steppe. We just need gold statues of the Swine in every square and village Green. Ah, well... the house of cards is starting to shake! 

Mystic Bex looks at his crystal ball and and predicts: 

- the Swine will be toppled and replaced by the Cheese Master, who loves Stilton more than ger own mother 

- the fish will multiply so much that they will become amphibians as the English Channel becomes overcrowded with unfished fish. 
- the NHS will beg people to come to work in our wards 

- the care sector will do the same but with howling added to begging 

- Stilton producers will not become millionaires 

- French wine will still be better than English wine but much more expensive. 
- a pint of Milk will become a half pint of milk for the same price 

- Jacob Rees-Mogg will tweet in Latin to impress his illiterate followers 

- the Swine will impregnate some other fool ... (well, this may not work out if the Tories chop his balls off. 
- Glastonbury will be declared an independent country for flagkess wokes

- I will learn how to say 'can I have another vodka' in Armenian, Georgian, Tajik, Uzbek, Mongolian, etc.. 

And lastly, who said one can't have wine with a kebab? 


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