I am your dream!

Published on 7 March 2025 at 12:34

The  old order established after WW2 and wishfully confirmed again after the fall of the Soviet Empire as 'the end of history' and a total victory of western capitalism that would apparently seal its domination in the world is definitely over. The so called west is doomed, partly because production and energy has shifted to China and other Asian countries and partly due to its arrogance and dirty games that it thought it could get away with indefinitely through unspeakable crimes which are committed in the name of 'freedom and democracy'! The United Kingdom is the best example of this rapid decline as we sit and watch everything slowly disintegrating while we watch Gogglebox or some other tawdry programme on TV. 

All western countries have played a role iin these dirty games but mainly as lapdogs of USA, which they thought would protect their place of shameful privilege on the World scene for ever and ever. This attitude is as stupid as it is evil. Yet, most people in the so called west ar totally unaware what iour governments do! Our privilege has turned us into heartless, ignorant, monsters. We are not evil. We are just brought up in lies and fantasies that keep the false narrative of our 'superior culture' alive! The thing is, we HAVE to keep lying to ourselves because the truth is too uncomfortable.. Up to now, our ignorance kept the lie alive and kicking but the time has now come that what we believe won't matter because the house of cards will fall any time, if we keep doing what we do. The fall will be even more painful if we continue to follow USA, which is the most brutal version of our so called western civilisation. 

Donald Trump is a monument to all the ugliest things in American rabid capitalism! It is astonishing how all this ugliness can be packaged in ONE person! He is a combination of Caligula and Nero but who wants to be a Julius Caesar! Not that Caesar was  particularly nice but at least he had a few qualities, skills and vision that changed the Roman Empire and consequently the entire western civilisation for ever. Donald Trump is a deranged narcissist who will bring it all down much quicker. This is the third and the final fall of Rome! 

The fall of the west is inevitable because it is both economically unsustainable as we continue to print money out of thin air (while we don't allow other countries to do this) and because it deeply unfair and immoral. The perpetual wars that USA and Europe have been waging around the world in the last 400 years, as especially since WW2, have exhausted this old culture that thinks it is superior to everyone else simply cannot go on because it has lost in its own game! The west has created a world which it can no longer manage. It is a culture and an economic model that has sclerosis! As an old dying man that we are, and for the sake of our children, we should be nicer and try to work together with the rest of the world instead of going totally neurotic no, we don't do this, we pick fights and kick our toys out the pram. We support genocide in Palestine, we perpetuate conflicts in the entire Middle East, we constantly bicker with China, provoking it with war ships in their own sea, we provoke Russia in all kinds of forms and try to humiliate her, we bankrupt entire countries in Africa and Asia.... it goes on and on! 

In a very strange way, perhaps it is good that Donald Trump will bring this order down! This shameful system that has created a very unequal world simply cannot continue. However, he will make everything much uglier and nastier! It will be painful to watch.... it will be like watching a car car crash in slow motion for the next four years. 

Best advice? Don't watch the news. Turn off social media. Be nice to your neighbours, friends and strangers.  Read books. Seek the truth. Forget everything they told you. Fuck Capitalism. 

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