Arrest Netanyahu and his war criminals, shouts the world!
But, alas, the USA shamelessly defends its genocidal client! EU is only slightly less shameless! The governments of the so called west has lost its moral compass completely by continuing to support genocide, perversely, in the name of freedom but this doesn't stand for ordinary people in all western countries who have been protesting relentlessly against horrific war crimes broadcast on TV.
For decades, the US and her puppets have created a narrative based on high moral grounds in the name of freedom, democracy and the rule of law but this has increasingly become comical in the eyes of the world due to blatant double standards and stupid lies they expect us to continue to believe!
Netanyahu and his henchmen must be arrested as soon as possible and be held accountable for their genocidal actions. We can all see what is going on. Defending him turns us into accomplices.
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