sabotage or truth?

Published on 18 April 2023 at 12:04

Working in NHS is a very Kafkaesque experience! no one really knows what or why is happening but you do have to write a lot of emails. A lot of those emails are written just for the sake of it... often they ask pointless questions but mostly they are sent to shift responsibility or blame to someone else and hope for the best..  Then you get emails asking the same question hoping for a different answer! Well it doesn't work with me.. who is prone to write emails like this: 


HI S*****


As previously stated, I think we need to keep this reporting in as foot health and foot amputations are an area we need to keep a close eye on. 


I am not sure what else I can suggest except sharing why honest views on the matter. I understand the provider has had suggestions from their corporate Dept to minimise reporting but this is not a concern for me if juxtaposed against the need to monitor foot health checks, which could play a big role in foot amputations, currently of a much higher number than I’d expect in a ‘developed’ country.




(When you start writing emails like these, it is time to go) :))) 

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