the final swinefall?

Published on 22 March 2023 at 18:43

Will the Swine ever fall?? 

Not sure but it’s looking more likely. Someone said the greased pig will not go away until you push a stake through his heart, which is a pretty big thing to say about a man who used to be a prime minister..  any man really! Johnson is very good at getting people to say things lik3 this.. he is poison. Everything he touches rots. 

However, this time he looked more wounded despite trying every trick in the book to get around the damning and obvious evidence against him! You can’t shame those without shame… it’s simple..

One thing no one is picking is his insistence on defending Dominic Cummings! At the time, we all knew he must have incriminating or damning evidence against the greased bloviator… the whole thing looked like a bad comedy but Cummings was saved

I keep saying that the big problem are the people who still support th3 swine. There are enough people who simply don’t care about his lies… the more he lies the more they adore him. It’s a big problem because you can’t reason with these people!

We shall see how this pans out but the Swine may be no more. 


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