The two party system needs to change if democracy is to be saved. The current two main parties are totally unfit for purpose, still behaving like it is the 70s & 80s!
Keir Starmer has no vision, guts or belief it seems, apart from wanting to be a prime minister. He offers no alternative or a way out of the disaster that is Brexit. He is so scared of the red wall he now wants to turn Labour Party into a quasi patriotic organisation that believes in Brexit because this was the ‘will of the people’. This stupid silence about Brexit is deafening… Privately, we all talk about it but no one wants to discuss the damage it’s caused. The public is treated like fools again… no one sees the elephant and thus we carry on into a very uncertain future, in which there will be no place for UK as a player or a shaker.
Then Sir Keir decides to break this silence by saying there will be no rejoining EU or the common market but he ‘wants Brexit to work’! No one knows how he will make it work but he keeps repeating like a drunk parrot in his uninspiring clipped voice..
The truth of the matter is that everyone has followed Nigel Farage to the right simply because they are just interested in power, not in what they believe. At least the Tories had a significant number of Eurosceptics since Maastricht but Labour are now in total ideological wilderness… they are either too afraid to speak against the wave of patriotic porn or they have forgotten what they’re about.. it’s really hard to tell. I will never vote Labour under this man. (He reminds me of Max Headroom from MTav In 90s) ..
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